Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in English and Writing Studies



First Reader/Committee Chair

Erin Hall


I have proposed an intersectional pedagogy between second language acquisition (SLA), creative writing principles, and translingual composition classroom pedagogy. The purpose of this paper was to demonstrate a need for a comprehensive, creative writing-based composition class by integrating existing research ideas, introducing new activities and assignments, and demonstrating how these pedagogies that were once considered distinct can be bridged together to develop more competent and engaged learners and users of English. In the first section of this thesis, I presented an in-depth review of each theoretical framework: translingual composition pedagogy, creative writing philosophies and educational applications, and Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) principles. From there, I demonstrated how these pedagogies can be combined into a creative writing and fiction-based composition class for English Language Learners (ELL). The final section was a completed example of a classroom texts, in-class assignments/tasks, and homework. I have chosen to teach a college freshman ESL class. Unlike most literature or composition classes for ESL students, this class focuses primarily on developing the students’ creative writing abilities. More specifically, this class involves a creative in-depth study of different genres and writing tools that will help the students develop their critical thinking and creative skills, as well as their language acquisition in English.
