Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Social Work


School of Social Work

First Reader/Committee Chair

Joseph, Rigaud, BSW, MSW, PhD


The COVID-19 pandemic has had ramifications on the mental health of numerous vulnerable individuals. The aim of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship between COVID-19 induced stress and symptoms of anxiety and depression among undergraduate students. Embracing a quantitative design, this study surveyed 93 undergraduate students in major public universities in the western part of the United States (N = 93). Results from the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U Test revealed that there is no statistically significant relationship between COVID-19 induced stress and symptoms of anxiety and depression in undergraduate students (U = 734.500, p = .066 for anxiety and U = 888.50, p = .122 for depression). The implications of these findings for social work practice are discussed.

Keywords: COVID-19, induced, stress, anxiety, depression, undergraduate students, mental health
