Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in English and Writing Studies



First Reader/Committee Chair

Jasmine Lee


The discriminatory systems that multidialectal and multilingual users experience in the United States have historically influenced how educators and policymakers approach the construction of academic policies and curricula. These hegemonic systems shape and inform linguistic attitudes that have continually imparted prejudice against non-White language users, resulting in a gap of inclusivity for diverse student populations. Research aiming to address this gap has traditionally approached linguistic discrimination by specifically examining the use of dialects or non-English languages in the classroom rather than the underlying systems that affect both multidialectal and multilingual users similarly. Through the lens of policy and social construct analysis, this article addresses how historical hegemonic constructs influence language standards in the classroom in an effort to create reflexive practices and encourage dialogue amongst professionals who work in the education sector to improve measures of inclusivity in academic policy and curricula.

Keywords: linguistic discrimination, multidialectal, multilingual, academic policy, Critical Language Awareness
