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Date of Award


Document Type

Restricted Project: Campus only access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Systems and Technology


Information and Decision Sciences

First Reader/Committee Chair

Son, Joon


This culminating experience project explored current and up-and-coming forms of authentication in association to secure wearable devices. The increase in scams and associated vulnerabilities cause additional stress on the ability to identify and authenticate devices and individuals. The research questions posed in this project are: “What are the limitations of a wearable device actively participating in a cryptographic exchange?” and “How can the relationship between Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) and Internet of Things (IoT) influence the future of secure wearable authentication?” The limitations of a wearable device actively participating in a cryptographic exchange are the battery, computational mass, and overall wearable size. The influence Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) and Internet of Things (IoT) has over the future of secure wearable authentication was examined with different types of light-weight authentication schemes such as Single-Sign On (SSO). The research into IoT and secure wearable devices found that there were many parallels between IoT and secure wearable devices. These parallels furthered the concept of computational and battery capacity balancing, as if one goes up, so does the other, and vise-versa. This project then explored a new form of authentications scheme titled Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) in hopes of providing a light-weight alternative to current authentications standards. An example scenario was developed within this project to compensate for the lack of standards associated with the delivery of SSI to an organization. This example aims to provide a high-level overview of how SSI can potentially work when applied to an organized structure that supports it. This project then concluded that it is possible to implement non-blockchain variants of SSI to an organization with the added structure of secure wearable devices being utilized as a communication medium.
