Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Health


Health Science and Human Ecology

First Reader/Committee Chair

Salome Kapella-Mshigeni Ph.D.


Background: The lack of proper Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of birth control methods can put one at risk for a sexually transmitted disease or unplanned pregnancy when engaging in sexual activity. There are many factors as to why birth control often gets overlooked, such as lack of knowledge, cultural norms, and misinformation which can impact where and how one accesses birth control.

Methods: This study employed quantitative research methods. The emphasize of this study was to concentrate on the knowledge, attitude, and practice of birth control methods amongst college students. Data for this study was collected from three courses at the end of the Fall 2021 to Winter 2022 for a period of 6 weeks from a four-year public university.

Results: Results demonstrated that there were many attributes when it came to the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of birth control methods. The findings also demonstrated a gender and cultural difference regarding birth control methods. Most of the participants, 63.5%, were between the ages of 18-21, followed by 14.3% who were ages 22-25, then 9.5% who were ages 26-29, and only 12.7% were 30 years or older. Further, 69.8% of the participants identified as Hispanic or Latino, followed by 17.5% who identified as White or European American. In addition, 6.3% identified as Asian or Pacific Islander as well as Black or African American.

Conclusion: This study presented an assessment of birth control methods amongst undergraduate college students at a public university. Majority of participants are not fully knowledgeable of birth control methods or at least where to access that information. Evidence-based health education strategies should be used to reduce bias of birth control methods among college students.
