Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Health


Health Science and Human Ecology

First Reader/Committee Chair

Salome Kapella Mshigeni


Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a global public health crisis and is defined as behavior by a current or former partner who causes physical, sexual, or psychological harm (WHO, 2021). The age demographic experiencing the highest rates of IPV is those between 18-24 years old (Brewer et al., 2018). Since many college students fit this demographic, colleges must implement effective evidence-based IPV prevention programs. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of healthy relationship education among college students using the KAP (Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice) model tool.

Methods: This study utilized quantitative research methods to assess a sample of 55 undergraduate students’ Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice, and evaluate their overall understanding of IPV. Students answered pre-survey questions to gauge their initial knowledge and attitudes of IPV and their understanding of the qualities of healthy, unhealthy, and abusive relationships. Then they watched a prerecorded healthy relationship education lecture, after which the students completed a post-survey with modified pre-survey questions. Both surveys used a five-point Likert scale, and the questions followed the KAP Model.

Results: The responses to the pre-and post-survey questions, “Intimate partner violence (IPV) is prevalent among college students,” showed a difference in baseline knowledge of IPV among students with and without relationship experience, as those with relationship experience more often selected “agree” or “strongly agree.” Additionally, there were differences in acquired knowledge after the healthy relationship education lecture. Those with no relationship experience had a higher increase in correct answers on the post-survey question than those with relationship experience. The answers to the second pre-and post-survey questions, “college campuses should address IPV,” showed that attitudes towards IPV do not differ between genders, as all genders answered “agree” or “strongly agree” that colleges should address IPV. After the healthy relationship education lecture, the numbers increased for both genders, but females selected “strongly agree” more often while males primarily chose “agree.” The non-binary student did not change their answer. The responses to the pre-survey question, “I know where to make a report of IPV misconduct on campus,” and the post-survey question, “I know at least one on-campus resource to make a report of IPV misconduct,” showed that, across all academic standing levels, nearly half of the participants reported having little to no knowledge of where to make a report of IPV misconduct on campus. However, there was an increase in knowledge of where to report IPV misconduct after the healthy relationship education lecture across all academic standing levels.

Conclusion: The results showed that the healthy relationship education lecture impacted the undergraduate students’ Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice, and overall understanding of IPV. Therefore, college campuses should increase healthy relationship education programs and conduct follow-ups to assess whether Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice changes continue as students progress through school.
