Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Industrial and Organizational Psychology



First Reader/Committee Chair

Agars, Mark


Research on fathers' work-family conflict has been minimal compared to mothers. However, the view of fatherhood and fathers’ involvement with their families has changed dramatically throughout the years. Unfortunately, many fathers do not take advantage of their organizational policies or other family benefits offered by their organizations. The purpose of this study was to examine the roles of family-supportive supervisor behaviors and organizational policy utilization on fathers’ work-family conflict and mental health. In a sample of 311 fathers participating in a survey-based study, findings indicated that family-supportive supervisor behavior significantly reduces WFC, and policy utilization also greatly reduces WFC. Fathers’ gender role beliefs moderated the relationship between FSSB and policy utilization. We hope this study helps in findings better ways to increase fathers’ work-family balance.
