Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Social Work


School of Social Work

First Reader/Committee Chair

Gretchen Heidemann Whitt


This study used a post-positivist approach and asked seniors to reflect on positive and negative factors regarding their adjustment to living in permanent housing. This study aimed to provide an understanding of the unique experiences of seniors and gain additional insight into formerly homeless individuals’ experiences adapting to life in permanent housing. The participants for this study were recruited from a non-profit organization in Northern California. This qualitative study collected data in the form of six semi-structured individual interviews. Interviews were conducted over the phone, audio recorded, and then transcribed for data analysis. Findings from this study indicated that the categories of experiences while homeless, stigma, barriers to housing, and protective factors all significantly impacted individual’s transition into permanent housing. Further, the researcher found resiliency and having consistent and supportive staff as key overall themes. Findings from this study can inform mental health providers, housing organizations, and anyone seeking to address senior homelessness and improve services for this population.

Included in

Social Work Commons
