Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Psychology



First Reader/Committee Chair

Ismael Diaz, Ph.D.


Research focusing on organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) have highlighted how these behaviors support and aid the psychological and social environment within an organization. However, there is a gap within the literature that has not emphasized the negative consequences of engaging in OCBs. This study aims at examining the baleful consequences toward the individual, specifically, one’s psychological well-being. By examining one’s commitment to the organization, this study is interested if commitment will influence the likelihood of engaging in these discretionary behaviors. The aim of the present study is to understand the inimical effects of OCBs due to the investment of personal resources through the conservation of resource theory (COR) and the social exchange theory, that induce poor psychological well-being. The present study assesses the relationship between affective commitment and levels of burnout through negative affectivity and if these relationships impact one’s engagement in OCBs and the effects of their psychological well-being. Results from this study indicate that affective commitment significantly predicts OCBI and OCBO, as well as affective commitment significantly predicts employee burnout. This study found that OCBI and OCBO significantly predicts poor psychological well-being when the relationship is moderated by negative affect.
