South Colton Oral History Project Collection
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Tom Rivera interviews Frank Lobato, a man with deep roots in South Colton. Lobato began the interview by talking about his retirement, his grandfather’s journey from Mexico to Colton, and his family members. He went on to speak about activism in his family, picking fruit, and other kinds of work in South Colton. Both he and Rivera recollected their days in Boy Scouts and other forms of recreational activities. The interviewee then speaks about South Colton’s population changes that he had seen in his life. He moved on to say how he met his second wife and to answer questions about music and military service. The interview ended with Lobato saying that the best memory of growing up in South Colton was that there had never been a dull moment.
Recommended Citation
CSUSB, "Frank Lobato" (2017). South Colton Oral History Project Collection. 88.