South Colton Oral History Project Collection



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Tom Rivera interviews Gabriela Gonzales, Lorraine Gonzales Paniagua, Priscilla Atchez, and Margaret Hernandez. All the women are related to each other and have deep familial roots in South Colton. Early on in the video, the discussion of indigenous peoples and their oppression is discussed by Atchez. She explains the situation of the Gerisarios, them being victims of enslavement, and the restoration of the Trujillo Adobe House. There is then talk of World War I, World War II, and the large extended family in South Colton. The latter is even joked about as everyone is related to everyone, to the point where dating has to be done with research beforehand. There are later talks of local hubs and shops that were once important but are now gone and exist only in memory. The women also go over living in poverty and the Great Depression but also about the help people of South Colton would give one another. The interview ends with the interviewees’ best memories of Colton and Gonzales being sung two birthday songs.
