South Colton Oral History Project Collection



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In this interview, Tom Rivera has Maria Melendrez-Gaumont as his guest, a woman with a long history in the South Colton area. La Reserva, as well as many other South Colton neighborhoods, are points of discussion that begin early on and span the entire interview. Melendrez-Gaumont talks about her background, such as being raised without her father and the role her grandfather had in her life. She goes on to discuss memories of school, teachers, and her love of baseball and football. The topic then moves towards faith and the memories that continue to live on with the interviewee. There is also talk between Melendrez-Gaumont and Rivera about the way jobs and secondary education affected the former’s life in a positive way. After discussing memories of her family and grandfather, Melendrez-Gaumont tells Rivera of drinking malts and seeing prisoners at the jail in Colton. The interview ends with Melendrez-Gaumont talking about La Reserva one more time.
