South Colton Oral History Project Collection



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Tom Rivera interviews Dora Felix, a woman who has strong roots in Colton. Felix first explains her family history, including her father coming from Mexico and meeting her mother and Felix having eight other siblings. One topic that is then discussed is Los Pobrecistas, a local mutual aid society that helped the community and in which Felix’s father was a participant. After discussing community activism, the topic changes to the way all family members in Colton had to work to survive. Felix is asked by Rivera about her father’s activism and union work and then both discuss manners taught as children. The following topic moves to Felix and what she has seen in bilingualism in both her home life and as an educator. Felix and Rivera then recollect memories of Felix’s in-laws, and how they helped the community through both sponsoring softball and raising foster children. The subjects change to military service as people of color and to how prejudiced the housing market was at one point. The interview ends with Felix recollecting her best memories of being raised in Colton as a tight-knit community and memories of the Catholic faith.
