South Colton Oral History Project Collection



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Tom Rivera interviews Nellie Cortez, a woman who was born and raised in South Colton. Though she has lived in nearly all the neighborhoods on the south side, she considers herself to be a Palomera at heart. Cortez explains the fun she used to have as a child playing outside and mentions how venturing out may lead to being a victim of prejudice verbally. Then, the interviewee goes on to explain the comforting role that the Catholic faith had in her life and the safe space that was the church. The topic shifts to Cortez telling Rivera how she met her husband and eventually studied to become a teacher. After going back to the topic of college and games, Cortez talks about the people she remembers and considers to be the leaders of South Colton. The interviewee talks about how, as a teenager, she started to realize segregation was in South Colton and avoided situations due to her skin tone. The interview ends with Cortez explaining living in South Colton and being a Coltonite is the best thing about the city.
