South Colton Oral History Project Collection



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Tom Rivera interviews Bertha Bocanegra-Guerrero, a woman who is a native of South Colton. As the interview goes on, Bocanegra-Guerrero tells of her father’s background, the store his parents ran, and her father’s death. She tells of the times that her father was strict with the children and she needed to be sneaky to hang out with friends, date, and eventually get engaged. She moves on to tell Rivera about learning how to drive and eventually using that skill to deliver for the grocery store. Moving on from being a young woman at a time when driving as such things were not common, Bocanegra-Guerrero explains her hobbies as well as her family life. At the end of the interview, the guest explained what her best memory of South Colton was as well as discussed the people in the community who were related.
