Home > CIIMA > Vol. 7 (2007) > Iss. 1
Communications of the IIMA
Volume 7, Issue 1 (2007)
Exploring Ethical Implications of Personal Relationship in Dyadic Business Exchanges
Reggie Davidrajuh
Automated Software Quality Visualisation Using Fuzzy Logic Techniques
James Senior, Ian Allison, and Jonathan A. Tepper
Modeling in Confidentiality and Integrity for a Supply Chain Network
Kuo lane Chen, Marn-Ling Shing, Huei Lee, and Chen-Chi Shing
A New Marketing Channel Management Strategy Based on Frequent Subtree Mining
Daoping Wang Peng Gao
SCAAS: A Secure Authentication and Access Control System for Web Application Development
Drew Hwang, Wendy Wang, and Blake Politte
The Influence of Government Regulations on Content Management Systems: An Exploratory Study
Douglas A. Goings, Judy J. Johnson, Bryan Marshall, and Tanya Goette
Global Virtual Teams: Towards a Research Framework to Evaluate Effectiveness in using Group Support Systems
Tonia San Nicolas-Rocca and Tony Coulson
Mobile Commerce: Assessing New Business Opportunities
Chan-tseh Hsieh
Constraints to the Use of Global System of Mobile Communication (GSM) by Crop Farming Household in South-west Nigeria
E. O. Aigbeakaen, R. A. Sanusi, and I. Ndagi