Bridges Digital Archive: Audio and Video Recordings


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Document Type

Oral History

Publication Date



Alma Stokes discusses her experiences living in Riverside and San Bernardino in the 30s and 40s, as well as moving to Pasadena as a young adult. She talks about her father Toussaint Patterson’s leadership in the A.M.E. church in the Inland Empire, as well as his moves all around the country to different churches (though the family stayed settled in San Bernardino). She discusses the role of A.M.E. Church and social organizations in civil rights activism, and the close connections her family maintained in Pasadena even after they moved to San Bernardino. She shares stories of her relationship with her husband Bailey Stokes, and her experiences with housing discrimination, teaching and raising children as a single mother in Pasadena. She discusses her membership in All Saints church and the displacement of the A.M.E. church in Pasadena by the freeway. Alma Stokes talks about connecting with family from around the country, learning more about her own family history and the difficulty of navigating Covid.


Interview conducted by Catherine Gudis, Cate Moses, and H. Vince Moses.
