Bridges That Carried Us Over Digital Archive

Bridges That Carried Us Over Digital Archive

This digital archive contains oral history interviews, photographs, and other materials from the "Bridges That Carried Us Over Project: Documenting Black History in the IE," a community-based collaborative initiative designed to document the presence, contributions, and history of the Black community in the Inland Empire.

First launched in 2007 by the Wilmer Amina Carter Foundation, the project began by recording oral history interviews with the Inland Empire's Black pioneers and leaders who contributed significantly to the development of the region. The initiative was revitalized in 2020 as it continues to capture the stories and experiences of the Inland Empire's Black community and bring materials online for long-term public discovery, study, and exploration.

Banner image by Henry Hooks, courtesy of San Bernardino County Museum


Browse the Bridges That Carried Us Over Digital Archive Collections:

Bridges Digital Archive: Audio and Video Recordings

Bridges Digital Archive: Photographs