Bridges Digital Archive: Audio and Video Recordings


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Document Type

Oral History

Publication Date



This interview, conducted by Ratibu Jacocks, focuses on the life of Draymond Crawford, with additions from his wife, Estella. Mr. Crawford speaks on his experiences growing up and how the move from Louisiana to California was “night and day”, due to the differences in how segregation was experienced. From Louisiana, his parents were hired to work in California as a maid and a chauffeur for the Axelsons in the 40s. His family moved from Louisiana, to Fontana where he was able to establish his roots with the First Baptist Church of North Fontana. Mr. Crawford has a firm belief that his difficulties were opportunities. This view was strongly guided by his faith in God, who he credits for the work he has been able to accomplish. Mr. Crawford spent 20 years in the military, and met his wife, with whom he now shares a family with, 4 years into the service while stationed in Illinois for flight engineer school. Draymond and Estella Crawford became important figures in Fontana, California back in the 1980’s because of their involvement in the community, especially building affordable Senior Living at Sonrise Apartments.


Interview Summary conducted by Rossandra, Martinez (University of Redlands) 2023, and Caroline, Blanchard (University of Redlands) 2023.
