Bridges Digital Archive: Audio and Video Recordings


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Document Type

Oral History

Publication Date



In this interview, Arlene Wilson Jackson is the guest. She is asked about how her family had arrived in Riverside County, particularly her great-grandparents moving to Perris. Wilson Jackson remembers cooking with her great-grandmother and has a recipe from her that she still uses to this day. She mentions having wonderful memories of her family, such as spending summers in Perris and just doing family activities. Apart from being in social organizations such as Veterans Without a Family, The Lions Club, and the Rotary Club, Wilson Jackson created her nonprofit, Restoring Hope Community Services, in Perris. This organization provides resources to people experiencing homelessness, such as housing, jobs, and meals. Wilson Jackson mentions that her faith and great-grandparents' influence led to her decision to make this organization. She then speaks about her faith and memories of church, particularly her love of the CrossWord Christian Church and its pastor. There is also her work with Big Dee Texas Bar-B-Que and the restaurant's collaboration with her nonprofit. Wilson Jackson then speaks of her stepfather and his dedication to civil rights and activism, such as taking the unequal pay of longshoremen and longshorewomen to court. The topic of the importance of working together despite ethnic backgrounds is something special to Wilson Jackson, which segues to her talking about racial inequalities in school and her heart for talking about what is important. She also speaks about memories of the Civil Rights Movement and speaking about calling local representatives about getting job positions. The interview ends with Wilson Jackson’s advice for future generations to be strong, stick to a common cause, and do what is right for the community.
