Document Type

Course Outline / Syllabus

Publication Date

Fall 11-27-2019




This is a syllabus for our new course in the kinesiology department for the semester system for KINE 3200, Principals of Human Movement. This course will go over basic mechanical principles and their application in the study of human movement and an introduction to basic principles of biomechanics. Specifically, this course is designed to provide an advanced analysis of human functional anatomy, with primary emphasis being placed on the articular, skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. We developed a course outline related to specific joints (shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle, trunk and spine), our plan is to go over each section with content and have the students go into a weight room to practice movements in whichever module we are in and then create videos of them doing movements to present to the class. The course will also have quizzes and exam for assessment of content.
