Document Type
Lesson/Unit Plans and Activities
Publication Date
Communication Studies
This is a program-based FLC for the development of Communication 120: Oral Communication as our department enters the transformation to semesters in Fall 2020. With approximately 40 sections of Comm 120 (enrollment of 1,120 students) offered each quarter and additional sections offered during the summer sessions this CoP will provide a much needed examination of this GE course and how best to review the curriculum and assessment needs. In order to produce this product our learning community completed the following:
- Consulted the literature on best practices for teaching and learning
- Investigated research on best practices for teaching and assessing Oral Communication, including the National Communication Association (NCA) resources for assessment
- Consulted the GE Assessment Rubrics for learning outcomes this course must fulfill (critical oral communication literacy, critical information literacy, collaboration, and metacognition)
Recommended Citation
Alatorre, Guadalupe, "FLC - Comm 120 Revision" (2019). Q2S Enhancing Pedagogy. 48.
FLC – Comm 120 Revision