Document Type
Publication Date
Spring 5-25-2020
Teacher Education & Foundations
The contexts of the first reflections focus on what I did in preparation for “the first day of class”, “planning for effective lessons”, “delivering an effective lecture, and the last reflection focuses on the implementation of virtual class due to COVID-19 transition “setting learning objectives”. For the most part, the implementation of techniques was geared for a face-to-face classroom setting. However, the transition from F2F format to online in such a short amount of time was challenging as more time for preparation was what I needed. However, this interruption to my F2F classes was an opportunity to test my skills and learn how to implement for the online classroom setting. Although the process seems long, and at times felt overwhelming, the results were positive. I learned to be brave. Teaching is an art and with practice and constant reflection our craft becomes better. Even when things may not go as planned, the process of planning and reflecting on my practice there was a success. In general terms, the experience was valuable, the challenges were the ones that gave more satisfaction, I learned something new.
Recommended Citation
Romano, Jacqueline, "Reflection on Effective Teaching Practice, Cohort B Fall 2019-Spring 2020, Q2S, TRC, ACUE Training" (2020). Q2S Enhancing Pedagogy. 178.