Document Type

Lesson/Unit Plans and Activities

Publication Date



World Languages and Literatures


This is a collection of reflection journals assigned by ACUE’s (Association of Colleges and University Educators) online “Course in Effective Teaching Practices.” This course is designed for college educators to gain a foundation in evidence-based teaching practices that increase student motivation, engagement, and learning.

This collection includes eight “Instructional Practice” reflection journals and two “Plan to Implement” reflection journals.

The journals include reflections from the following ACUE modules:

Connecting with Students (Module 2C)

Teaching Powerful Note Taking Skills (Module 4C)

Leading the First Day of Class: (Module 2 A)

Planning and Effective Class Session (Module 1E)

Delivering and Effective Lecture (Module 3C)

Using Concept Maps (Module 4B)

Using Active Learning Techniques in Small Groups (Module 3A)

Using Active Learning Techniques in Large Classes (Module 3B)

Planning Effective Class Discussions (Module 3D)

Facilitating Engaging Class Discussions (Module 3E)

Promoting A Civil Learning Environment (Module 2B)

Engaging Underprepared Students (Module 2E)

Motivating Your Students (Module 2D)
