Missed Focus: The perceptions of America Media Through Globalization

Author(s) Information

Ryan Stoermer

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation


College of Social and Behavioral Sciences



Session Number



RM 215

Juror Names

Moderator: Dr. Alexandru Roman

Start Date

5-21-2015 4:40 PM

End Date

5-21-2015 5:00 PM


How do American films disseminated abroad have an effect on how others perceive us? The film presents a simplification of the world known as a frame and through these frames the United States of America’s attitudes, values and culture is spread across the world through the ebb and flow of globalization. The Hollywood films are often the first impression given to others outside our culture; these give them a simple and effective tool to understand the culture that they are experiencing. These films display our societal attitudes towards outsiders entering our country. How easily the themes of these films can be crafted into propaganda against an outsider or group. In a way, some race relations are demonstrated through media. By use of media, groups can be mobilized into action against certain elements deemed harmful by the people in power. The instigation of myths can create an imperfect picture of our society. Perception of these films truly can define how other people view the United States of America and the policies/culture residing herein.


May 21st, 4:40 PM May 21st, 5:00 PM

Missed Focus: The perceptions of America Media Through Globalization

RM 215

How do American films disseminated abroad have an effect on how others perceive us? The film presents a simplification of the world known as a frame and through these frames the United States of America’s attitudes, values and culture is spread across the world through the ebb and flow of globalization. The Hollywood films are often the first impression given to others outside our culture; these give them a simple and effective tool to understand the culture that they are experiencing. These films display our societal attitudes towards outsiders entering our country. How easily the themes of these films can be crafted into propaganda against an outsider or group. In a way, some race relations are demonstrated through media. By use of media, groups can be mobilized into action against certain elements deemed harmful by the people in power. The instigation of myths can create an imperfect picture of our society. Perception of these films truly can define how other people view the United States of America and the policies/culture residing herein.