Latino Education and Advocacy Days (LEAD) Video Recordings

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Video recording of the "Hon. Antonio Villaraigosa, LEAD Summit VII" featured address.


Featured Address by Hon. Antonio Villaraigosa, 41st Mayor of Los Angeles, California, and National Chairman of the Advisory Board for Education Post, Latino Education and Advocacy Days VII.

This presentation was made possible through a working partnership with Del Sol Group and Education Post. Del Sol Group is a Policy & Public Affairs firm specializing in Strategy, Outreach and Leadership. Del Sol Group is uniquely positioned to assist organizations to develop initiatives, strategies and organize communities in key public policy issues, as well as helping businesses flourish through strategic partnerships. Education Post is a non-partisan communications organization dedicated to building support for student-focused improvements in public education from preschool to high school graduation.


  • Introduction / Moderator: Dr. Juan Sanchez Muñoz, Senior Vice President and Vice Provost, Texas Tech University
  • Featured Speaker: Hon. Antonio Villaraigosa
