Journal of International Technology and Information Management
Volume 17, Issue 3 (2008) Double Issue 3/4
Identifying Opportunities in Multilingual Business Environments Using Environmental Scanning and Text Mining Techniques
Jody Strong, Kaushik Ghosh, and Sumali Conlon
Enterprise Modelling using Unified Framework supporting Distributed Object Computing
Manuj Darbari and Bhaskar Karn
A Primary Study of Attributes of Innovations during the Prediffusion Stage
Frank M. Valier, Richard V. McCarthy, and Jay E. Aronson
State and Context-Dependent Information Management and Wealth Accumulation: An Information Analysis of the Billionaires between Taiwan and China
Ben-Chieh Liu and Lee-Hsuan Lin
Linking Information Technology and Competitive Strategy: Evidence from China’s Third-Party Logistics Industry
Fujun Lai, Dahui Li, and Qiang Wang
uC: Ubiquitous Collaboration Platform for Multimodal Team Interaction Support
Veton Z. Kepuska, Sabri Gurbuz, Walter Rodriguez, Stephen M. Fiore, Deborah Carstens, Patrick D. Converse, and David Metcalf
Antecedents and Outcomes of the Flow Experience: An Empirical Study in the Context of Online Gaming
Clyde W. Holsapple and Jiming Wu
Information Relevance and Availability: Toward Effective Management of Projects in Public Sector
Carlos F. Gomes and Mahmoud M. Yasin
Strategies, Contributions and Inhibitors of Information Systems to Organizational Competitiveness: an Empirical Analysis within the Caribbean
Stephen Louis, Ashley Braganza, and Ray Hackney

Volume 17 Issue 3/4
This is a double issue containing issues: 3 and 4