Journal of International Technology and Information Management
Volume 17, Issue 1 (2008)
Strategic Approaches to ERP Implementation
Farshad Salimi and Ben Dankbaar
Determinants of Mobile Payments: An Empirical Analysis
Lei-da Chen and Ravi Nath
Expanding Group Support System Capabilities from the Knowledge Management Perspective
Shin-Yuan Hung, King-Zoo Tang, and Tsan-Chuan Shu
Project Management: IS/IT Research Challenges
Debbie Tesch, Lewis R. Ireland, and Julie Yu-Chih Liu
Technology Support for the Classroom: Technology Alternatives to the Traditional Classroom
Michael L. Gibson, Mari W. Buche, and Jerry J. Waite
The Readiness for and Current Status of E-Government in China
Yue Zhang, Zhiyang Lin, Quan Lin, and Chang-tseh Hsieh