"Comanche Resistance against Colonialism" by Tyler Amoy

History in the Making

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Of all the indigenous tribes in North America, none stood stronger than the Comanche. This Great Plains tribe is considered to be one of the strongest and most warlike of the indigenous tribes and can even be compared to the Greek Spartans of old. This empire ruled for hundreds of years, overtaking and enveloping other tribes and nations in this area, however, this success would not last forever. In three steady waves, the invasions by Spain, Mexico, and the United States would crash upon this nation like a wave on the shoreline. Unlike many other native nations, the Comanche initially stood strong against these colonial powers through the adoption of their technologies and strategies, which they used against the invaders. This warlike society’s ability to adopt their enemy’s strategies, hit-and-run tactics, attempt at diplomacy, and all out warfare allowed the Comanche to stand stronger and longer than other indigenous tribes during this time. The Comanche tribe invoked a fierce bellicose nature that was second to none in eighteenth century North America, which allowed it to defend itself against the colonial powers of Spain, Mexico, and the United States with relative success.
