Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Psychology



First Reader/Committee Chair

Dr. Ismael Diaz


Certain job characteristics have been shown to be important for improving employee job fit. In particular, the degree of autonomy and feedback employees are afforded could allow them to more effectively manage job stressors, and acquire and/or uphold the requisite skills to maintain satisfactory work performance. These job characteristics may also lead to greater job satisfaction by supporting employees’ need for continuous growth, desire for social connectedness, and fulfillment of basic psychological needs. Accordingly, a model was proposed wherein the facets of person-job fit (demands-abilities fit and needs-supplies fit) are expected to mediate the relationship between both autonomy and feedback and both employee job satisfaction and task performance. The sample contained 228 individuals who were either working professionals or employed college students. Structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis was used to test the direct and indirect effects. Results indicated that both autonomy and feedback increase satisfaction, but not effectiveness, by improving job fit. In summary, the findings of this study could be used for developing and implementing organizational strategies to improve or maintain person-job fit.
