Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Social Work


School of Social Work

First Reader/Committee Chair

Barragan, Armando


This research project aims to identify and acknowledge the various non-pharmacological interventions and treatments for both children and adolescents diagnosed with ADHD. This review will highlight the non-pharmacological interventions that are discussed in current research, the significance and potential impact it has on the field of social work, and the way in which this research proposal will be conducted.

ADHD is a commonly known neurodevelopmental disorder that is often seen within children and adolescents. ADHD can be treated through prescription medication, non-pharmacological interventions, or a combination of both. Research indicates that non-pharmacological treatments/interventions have shown positive side effects or outcomes within children and adolescents diagnosed with ADHD. The data and research used for this research proposal will focus on current literature that discuss the various types of non-pharmacological interventions. In regards to the field of social work, this study will provide an insight to more holistic approach for social work practice rather than a pharmaceutical/medical one.

Included in

Social Work Commons
