Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Science


School of Computer Science and Engineering

First Advisor

Turner, David

Second Advisor

Voigt, Kerstin

Third Advisor

Gomez, Ernesto


The purpose of this project is to provide staff and future students at College of Extended Learning a web based interface to process course registration online. This system is called College of Extended Learning Online Registration System C♯ (CELORS-C♯). This project is a revision of a previous version of College of Extended Learning Online Registration System. The previous version of CELORS has been used by College of Extended Learning as of March 2007. The difference between the previous CELORS and CELORS-C♯ is that the previous CELORS is coded in JAVA but CELORS-C♯ is coded in C. Also, CELORS-C♯ has a different interface and a new encrypted payment process Windows application.
