"Attitudes and beliefs about evidence based practice among masters in s" by Katy Leanne Bandy and Emily Violet Thomas

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Social Work


School of Social Work

First Advisor

Villagrana, Margarita

Second Advisor

Kaufman, Veronica

Third Advisor

Chang, Janet C.


The purpose of this study is to better understand the attitudes and beliefs about evidence-based practice among masters in social work practitioners (MSWs) and licensed clinical social workers (LCSWs). Assessing the attitudes toward evidence-based practice can further the analysis of competent practice and perhaps help determine the extent to which social work is a profession based on research or anecdotal methods. The survey was given to 59 MSWs and LCSWs working in the mental health setting during a staff meeting at Patton State Hospital.

Included in

Social Work Commons
