Home > CIIMA > Vol. 11 (2011) > Iss. 3
Communications of the IIMA
Volume 11, Issue 3 (2011)
Teaching Innovation to Graduate Students in Computer Information Systems (CIS)
Akhtar Lodgher and Kiranmai Bellam
An Analysis of Historical Transformation of an IT Giant Based on Sound Strategic Vision
Sabina Gesmin, Bernard Henderson, Syed Irtiza, and Ahmed Y. Mahfouz
The Relationship Between Information Systems Management and Organizational Culture
Jakobus Smit and Marielle Dellemijn
Beyond Awareness: Using Business Intelligence to Create a Culture of Information Security
Celia Paulsen and Tony Coulson
Developing a Metrics Framework for the Federal Government in Computer Security Incident Response
Vincent Sritapan, Walter Stewart, Jake Zhu, and C.E. Tapie Rohm Jr.
An Innovative Framework of Integrating ERP into IS 2010 Model Curriculum
Ming Wang and Drew Hwang