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This manual is designed to support the process of training school personnel in the San Bernardino City Unified School District to implement Restorative Practices into the schools in their district. What is outlined below are the following:
- The need that the introduction of restorative practices is designed to respond to
- The key ideas and assumptions that underlie restorative practices
- The training and consultation process that aims to implement these ideas in the school district
- An explanation of the specific practices that training will be offered in
- A summary of what current research data says about the value of these approaches
- A bibliography of readings that interested and key personnel can follow up and read more about.
Publication Date
Fall 12-13-2014
California State University San Bernardino and San Bernardino City USD
San Bernardino
restorative justice, schools, bullying, circle conversations, restorative conference
Student Counseling and Personnel Services
Recommended Citation
Winslade, John M.; Espinoza, Elizabeth; Myers, Michelle; and Yzaguirre, Henry, "Restorative Practices Training Manual" (2014). Books. 3.