"On David Hume" by Tomasz B. Stanek

Journal of Critical Issues in Educational Practice


David Hume, David Hume and Education


After reviewing the (2012) Oxford University Press title: Classic and contemporary readings in the philosophy of education, a common philosophy of education text for undergraduate and graduate students, I was surprised that the influence and the philosophical imprint of David Hume (who awakened Kant) was missing and omitted. David Hume’s ideas were monumentally important not only to Immanuel Kant but also to those who would eventually call educational behaviorism their home. To fill the void, I have included my response to the ongoing debates and some of the most intriguing questions regarding Hume’s philosophical stance, his suggestions, and perhaps seeds to those who would build their theories in the nineteenth and twentieth century. My first question for discussion provides a basic attempt at Hume’s position regarding his basic theory of experience-based causes, the second question ponders his ideas on Socratic concept of akrasia, and the final question deals with Hume’s is-ought concept. What is remarkable about Hume’s contribution to the philosophy of education is his stance on the principles of solid experience as a way to perceive reality, constructs, or even the constructivist ideas for linguistics, missing experience, or fallacies.

Author Statement

Author, Tomasz Stanek, is a recent (2012) Ed.D graduate from California State University San Bernardino's College of Education, a community college teacher and a scholar interested in a variety of research: from history, migrations and diaspora, and modern conflicts to education and educational theory. Dr Stanek teaches at Chaffey College and lectures at University of California, Riverside Extension School.
