Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Social Work


School of Social Work

First Reader/Committee Chair

Li, Yawen


Menstrual inequality in the workplace continues to exist, affecting financial welfare, mental health, physical health, and access to care. Women have been enduring disparities related to menstruation, including stigma, shame, and period poverty, which are often exacerbated in the workplace. This study aims to explore the experiences of women who do not have access to free feminine hygiene products in the workplace.

The researcher conducted one-to-one interviews in person with employed women (n=9). The questions were semi-structured and based on a survey with nineteen questions addressing areas of menstrual inequality in the workplace. Seven themes were identified: 1) work performance, 2) cultural stigma, 3) health risks, 4) gender inequalities, 5) workplace inequalities, 6) financial inequality, and 7) social justice concerns.

This research aims to provide social workers with a better understanding of the risk factors and necessary interventions for women affected by the lack of free hygiene products. The findings of this study enhance the understanding of the consequences of period poverty, which can inform social workers in their efforts to promote menstrual equality.
