Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership



First Reader/Committee Chair

Clark-Louque, Angela


This qualitative research study sought to explore the lived experiences of Black women community college students as they pursued higher education at Hispanic-serving institutions. Students who were enrolled at a community college in the Inland Empire region of Southern California were interviewed in focus groups and one-on-one interviews. A hermeneutic phenomenology was used as the tool for analysis, and digital storytelling was used to provide a visual representation of the lived experiences of the students. These data points can be shared beyond the pages of this study. With limited research on understanding the unique needs of Black women students in community college, this study shed light on this subject in an effort to implement change. The key themes that came out of this study included (a) the need for support, (b) community care, and (c) racialized and genderized assumptions. These themes further reinforced the lack of support that surrounds Black women community college students and the critical role the institution plays in implementing these changes. The academy would be greatly served by gathering additional research about Black women community college students, creating culturally competent leadership and campuses and gaining a greater understanding of the impact Black women have in their communities.
