Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Science


School of Computer Science and Engineering

First Reader/Committee Chair

Hou, Yunfei


This study undertakes a meticulous examination of truck traffic within the Inland Empire, focusing on the distribution and dynamics of medium and heavy-duty vehicles, to advocate for the region's transition to electric trucks. Utilizing advanced spatial analysis and data from Streetlight Data, it segments the region into six subregions, revealing distinct traffic patterns and environmental impacts. Notably, the research uncovers that the North Center and West zones, integral to the logistics and warehousing sectors, exhibit the highest traffic volumes, significantly influencing air quality and infrastructure.

Quantitative results from 2021 illustrate a pronounced disparity in truck activity: medium-weight vehicles accounted for approximately 11.15 million trips, whereas heavy-weight vehicles contributed to around 5.73 million trips across the region. Traffic analysis indicated that Tuesdays and Wednesdays experienced peak traffic volumes, with a considerable decrease during weekends, highlighting the operational rhythms of the logistics sector. Furthermore, the study observed longer travel times for heavy vehicles, particularly in the North and East zones, attributed to potential congestion or infrastructural inefficiencies. This differentiation emphasizes the varying logistical demands across the subregions and underscores the pressing need for sustainable solutions.

By providing a detailed account of truck traffic volumes, patterns, and their implications, this study underscores the critical role of electric trucks and improved traffic management in mitigating environmental impacts and supporting the Inland Empire’s sustainable development. It not only elucidates the current state of truck traffic but also sets a foundation for targeted actions aimed at enhancing the region's transportation ecosystem through future electrification initiatives and infrastructure planning.

In addition to the comprehensive analysis provided in this report, findings of this project have been shared at prestigious peer-reviewed conferences including ACM KDD 2023 [Appendix A], IEEE FISTS 2024 & CRB SEED [Appendix B] Symposium 2024. The presentations elaborated on the nuanced traffic patterns of medium- and heavy-duty vehicles (MDHDVs) in the Inland Empire region, shedding light on the region's transition to electric trucks. Detailed insights were presented, showcasing distinct traffic volumes and dynamics across subregions, along with the identification of key areas for electrification efforts. Furthermore, discussions delved into the implications of current traffic patterns on environmental sustainability and infrastructure development, underscoring the urgent need for targeted actions towards sustainable transportation solutions.
