Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Social Work


School of Social Work

First Reader/Committee Chair

Arkadie, Nicole


Interpersonal client and workplace violence pose significant challenges in contemporary society, particularly within health care and social service sectors. Social workers, dedicated to supporting vulnerable populations, face heightened risks of client perpetrated violence (CPV) due to the nature of their work. Despite being a global issue, CPV remains underreported and often normalized within social work practice, specifically in child welfare. This paper explores the prevalence and impacts of CPV on child welfare social workers, aiming to identify key risk factors and promote a culture of safety within child welfare agencies. Utilizing a systematic literature review encompassing quantitative and qualitative data, the study investigates the scope of CPV, the effectiveness of universal safety plans and, procedures in mitigating CPV. Findings are expected to inform both macro-level policies and micro-level interventions, advocating for legislative support, enhanced safety measures, and improved well-being of child welfare social workers. Additionally, the study sheds light on the need for further research to understand and address CPV within child welfare settings, emphasizing the importance of proactive safety measures and organizational support in safeguarding social workers and improving service delivery to clients.

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Social Work Commons
