Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in English and Writing Studies



First Reader/Committee Chair

Cavallaro, Alexandra


The concept of plagiarism, or the passing off of work produced by others as one’s own without appropriate acknowledgement of the source of creation, is not a new one. It is, however, being complicated in new and interesting ways by technological innovations such as artificial intelligence (AI)-based natural-language processing (NLP). In this paper, I investigate the present complications of defining and responding to plagiarism in the age of AI and suggest the future direction of our grappling with text-generative NLP programs such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT. This paper will describe perspectives on plagiarism and potential reasons behind the use of AI to commit it, including demographic and linguistic complications. It will also develop potential actions that can be taken to avoid plagiarism altogether and/or to respond to it appropriately if and when it does still arise. Future directions include how institutions, students, and educators might come to view plagiarism and original authorship in the age of AI. I will investigate and synthesize existing literature on plagiarism and extend its conversation to include the innovation of artificial intelligence.
