Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Social Work


School of Social Work

First Reader/Committee Chair

Li, Yawen


This study presents a systematic literature review of the effectiveness of the Federal Pell Grant program, a program provided by the United States government to assist low-income college students attend a higher education institution. Using literature obtained from the OneSearch database of the California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB) John M. Pfau Library, this study included 14 articles for analysis, out of which 12 studies utilized quantitative cross-sectional and quasi-experimental research designs. The 3 remaining studies utilized qualitative phenomenological and descriptive methodologies to further examine Pell Grant effectiveness of student access to education, academic performance along with employment outcomes among students seeking a higher educational level.

Based on a preliminary analysis of 14 articles, findings point to conflicting information about the effectiveness of the Federal Pell Grant program on students seeking higher education. Patterns observed in the reviewed articles suggested that the results highlighted the challenges in the evaluation of the effectiveness of the Federal Pell Grant program. While some articles suggested positive outcomes for Pell Grant recipients, other articles present evidence of the program’s inefficiency. Overall, findings suggested that more research should be conducted on the effectiveness of the Federal Pell Grants program meeting students educational and financial needs.

Included in

Social Work Commons
