Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing



First Reader/Committee Chair

Delgado, Juan


Oscuridad Unraveled is a compilation of many stylistic poems. There are narrative poems interspersed with somewhat surreal poems that tell a story about the Oscuridad as a child and adult. As Oscuridad’s childhood story is unfolding so is her adult story causing a cyclical motion within reader and writer, or maybe a rollercoaster with many loops and turns. Nonetheless, it begins with poems that shaped a small innocent girl and leads to the creation of the adult woman who cannot have children, who embraces the passion of being “the other” and luxury of sex without consequence. This is a story about love, loss, where the sacred meets the profane, where a nun and hooker are all in one body, this is where the role of many selves comes to light and dark. Through memory I aim for myself and other women to grab onto their womb as hard as they would grab onto their heart, with all intensity and emotion, especially if your womb is as fruitless as hers.
