Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Social Work


School of Social Work

First Reader/Committee Chair

McAllister, Carolyn


The following is a quantitative study, with a sample of 71 adults, ranging from ages 18 to 60, to gather information about the effects of parentification in developing adults. Topics varied from parentification to trust and ethnic characteristics. There is a limited amount of information on the topic of parentification its effects on the developing adult which impact how professions in social services can help those who have experienced parentification. An online questionnaire was created through Qualtrics with 73 questions. The link was distributed through social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Reddit. The results showed the relationship between the Parent-Focused Parentification Subscale and trust, the relationship between the Perceived Benefits of Parentification Subscale and trust, the relationship between the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure Scale and trust, and the relationship between Parent-Focused Parentification and Sibling-Focused Parentification. This study also found that Parent-Focused Parentification had an effect on the Perceived Benefits of Parentification. The implication for the future of parentified adults is that professionals in social services become aware of the effects of parentification and aim prevention and early intervention programs towards parenting efforts.

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Social Work Commons
