
Journal of International Technology and Information Management

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Patient satisfaction is perceived as a significant benefit of hospitals’ investments in health information exchange (HIE). Successful implementation of HIE systems lead to increased organizational efficiency in hospitals and more likely to enable doctors and other staff members to better meet patient needs and expectations. This research draws upon system success theory to examine how HIE adoption affects patient satisfaction. In addition, this research investigates whether the relationship between HIE adoption and patient satisfaction is mediated by organizational efficiency. This is the first research study that draws upon system success theory to understand how HIE adoption affects patient satisfaction.

For this study, the dataset was developed by integrating data from the Healthcare Cost Report Information System and the Hospital Compare data from the Medicare.gov website. It contained data from 2,459 U.S. acute care hospitals. Regression models were used to empirically validate relationships between HIE adoption and patient satisfaction. A three-step analysis was used to test the mediation effect. Results of this study indicates that HIE adoption positively impacts hospital efficiency. In addition, hospital efficiency positively influences patient satisfaction. Furthermore, the results validate the mediation role of hospital efficiency and suggest that HIE adoption indirectly affects patient satisfaction through hospital efficiency. HIE adoption leads to healthcare information system success (organizational efficiency), which in turn increases patient satisfaction.
