
Journal of International Information Management


This research represents an evaluation of a curriculum model by a national sample of information systems professionals. The Curriculum Model for Organizational and End-User Information Systems (OEIS) is a guide for educators planning programs that prepare four-year college students for entry-level positions that support end-user computing. It stresses end-user information technology and human factors, business process redesign, communication, and end-user training. A national sample of Association for Systems Management members evaluated the model's sixty objectives. All sixty objectives, as measured by the aggregate rating and the mean ratings of individual objectives, were considered important. More than two-thirds of them were evaluated at the "of considerable importance" level or above. In the evaluations of some objectives, significant differences between the evaluations of professionals representing large organizations (more than 1,000 employees) and those representing small organizations were found. Other objectives were rated significantly higher by executives (compared to non-executives) and by professionals representing communication and medical organizations and federal government agencies (compared to other organization types). Most participants in this study represent organizations that have existing positions for which the OEIS model would be adequate preparation. Anticipated vacancies for these graduates range from one to more than twenty-five vacancies per firm. They recommended that the program be offered as an option under existing IS programs in colleges of business, although some professionals see it as a separate College of Business program.
