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Publication Date

Winter 2-18-2020


2019 International Conference on Sport and Exercise Science (ICSES) in Bangkok, Thailand & June 26-28, 2019.

Teaching Skill(s) Studied: I attended the following sessions to learn new approaches to teach/coach badminton which will be implemented and applied to my teaching (KINE261B – Professional Preparation for Badminton).

Session #1: “The single leg balance in male university badminton players” oral presentation on June 26 at 1:45-2:00. I learned tactical knowledge/skills and psychological readiness.

Session #2: “Muscle imbalance in badminton players” oral presentation on June 27 at 2:00-2:15. I learned the importance of muscle balance in the process of skill acquisition in badminton.

Session #3: “Coaching and training in badminton and elite sports” oral presentation on June 28 at 10:30-12:00. This session was one of the keynote sessions that covered planning, implementation, assessment, evaluation, feedback, data-based teaching/coaching in badminton that has been used by the Thailand Badminton Association (TBA). The presenter is a former badminton athlete for the Australian national badminton team who was hired to run this program by the TBA.

Impact on Current Teaching (How will this information be applied?) The knowledge and information that I learned from the conference will be used in my KINE2630 (currently KINE261B) course for Winter 2020. Specifically, a session for psychological readiness (i.e., image training, feedback on performance (knowledge of result), a session for lower leg balance training, and inclusion of data-based performance in skill learning in badminton will be included to the course. These are all new components to be included to the course. I hope these new teaching skills and components will be helpful for our Kinesiology majors to better understand and learn badminton. It is important for our majors (pedagogy majors) to experience and learn different approaches to badminton that will result in better teaching in badminton in their future teaching/coaching career as physical education teacher.

Date Submitted: July 25, 2019
