
Journal of International Technology and Information Management

Document Type



Many emerging economies are on the brink of a major digital revolution as a result of the disruptive and game-changing wave of digitization that aims to create a financial ecosystem that will make the transition from a cash-based economy to a cashless (digital) economy the easiest way by making reliable and secure networks, Seamless payment solutions, ensuring large transactions at lightning speeds are a reality. Most studies using UTAUT are cross-sectional, capturing data at a single point in time. Longitudinal studies are needed to observe changes in behavioural intention and actual adoption of e-payment services over time, particularly in response to evolving technological advancements and policy changes in Algeria. This research investigates factors influencing behavioural intention to adopt e-payment services in Algeria based on UTAUT model, while examines the moderating effect of cost and convenience. The SmartPLS 4 software were used to analyse survey data from 106 respondents using descriptive, Pearson correlation, and regression analysis to test the research hypotheses. The findings revealed that performance and effort expectation had a positive and significant effect, facilitating conditions had a positive and insignificant effect, and social influence had insignificant negative effect on behavioural intention. Also, the results showed that cost was not a moderating variable among all UTAUT factors, convenience, on the other hand, moderated all constructs except for social influence. These results highlight the effect of cost and convenience on the relationship between UTAUT factors and behavioural intention, which is not extensively discussed in the prior studies, especially in the context of emerging countries.
