Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Social Work


School of Social Work

First Advisor

McAllister, Carolyn

Second Advisor

Schulz, Randall

Third Advisor

McCaslin, Rosemary


This study partners with San Bernardino County Children and Family Services (CFS) to assess child welfare employees on how extended foster care is being implemented. Data was collected via face-to-face interviews with extended foster (EFC) social workers. The goals of this study were to assess the needs of non minor dependents through qualitative interviews with case carrying workers, to assess the strengths and areas of need in services for non-minor dependents, to evaluate initial outcomes of Extended Foster Care (EFC) from the workers perspective, to identify and provide education and training suggestions and materials for future and current child welfare caseworkers. This study will assist in deterring how best to stay in connection with, serve, and improve the outcomes of foster youth in San Bernardino County.

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Social Work Commons
