
Communications of the IIMA


This paper analyzes the emergence and development of cyberlaws. In many coimtries aroxmd the world, cyberlaws are being enacted in order to curb or prosecute cybercriminals. Cybercriminals have very rapidly adlapted to developments in technology, specifically Internet technology, and use its characteristics of transience, anonymity, speed and vast spread to perpetrate various types of crimes. Thus the triple convergence of information, innovation and technology has also aided criminals to practice their nefarious "trade." The paper analyzes how various countries are taking counter measures by enacting cyberlaws. These actions are often slow and reactive rather than proactive. In addition, the laws often have several gaps which are further manipulated by criminals. The paper analyzes the cyberlaws of the US and EU. Points of confusion, complexity and differences between the US and EU laws are discussed. The paper concludes with some ideas to be considered in enacting such laws, as well as directions for future research.
